Cycling Ride

Saturday July 30, 2011   (Outdoors)
Bike: Trek 2120 (1995)
Time Distance Avg
01:32:16 28.12 mi 18.29 mph 21.90 mph
Vertical Climbing
77 rpm 96 rpm 153 ft  
Nutrition: 34oz. of water, 24oz. of Accelerade.
Note: Zimmerman/Erie/Walck/Old Falls/Tonawanda Creek N/Irish/Bear Ridge/Robinson/East Canal/Tonawanda Creek/Bear Ridge/Tonawanda Creek N/Old Falls/Walck/Erie/Zimmerman/Robinson.  [Map]

Another day baking in the sun.  Not as extreme as last week and not as windy.  So correspondingly, I rode better thankfully.  Still plenty toasty and I was pretty well spend after this in any case.  Nice to get out in the sun and get acclimated to it.  Hopefully I'll have time to do some longer rides soon.  Thus this is good to do before diving in the deep end.
Heart Data
Below (153) In Zone Above (170) Total Time
00:11:12 01:22:12 00:01:13 01:34:37
Average Maximum
159 bpm 172 bpm
Personal Data
Weight Body Fat Sleep Time Sleep Quality
163.0 lbs. 11.0% 8.00 hrs Good
(A Few Clouds)  Weather Data Niagara Falls International Airport, NY  [KIAG]  (3:00 pm)   [WID: 78615]
Temperature Heat Index Wind Conditions
83°F (28°C) 83°F (28°C) W 6.9 mph A Few Clouds
Dew Point Humidity Visibility Barometer
57°F (14°C) 41% 10.00 miles 1017.3 mb
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