Cycling Search

Start Date:
  End Date:
  Days: Forward Backwards
Min. Distance: (>=) Miles
Max. Distance: (<=) Miles
Min. Avg. Speed: (>=) MPH
Max. Avg. Speed: (<=) MPH

Notes: Searches can optionally be date bounded.  The following are some examples of using date bounded searching.

  • Rides in a year - Select just a Start Date year.
  • Rides in a month - Select just a Start Date month.
  • Rides on a specific day - Select just a Start Date day.
  • Rides in a specific month and year - Select a Start Date month and year.
  • Rides on a specific day of the month - Select a Start Date month and day.
  • Rides in a timeframe - Select a full Start Date and a full End Date.
  • X rides before/after a date - Select a full Start Date, a number of Days and Forward or Backwards.

All of the above date bounded searching can be combined with the other free-form search criteria to refine a search.