Cycling Ride

Tuesday August 30, 2011   (Outdoors)
Bike: Trek 2120 (1995)
Time Distance Avg
02:23:31 44.88 mi 18.76 mph 25.10 mph
Vertical Climbing
77 rpm 98 rpm 222 ft  
Nutrition: 34oz. of water, 24oz. of Accelerade, 1 - Gu Pak.
Note: Robinson/Old Falls/Tonawanda Creek N/Bear Ridge/Townline/Killian/Beach Ridge/Meyer/Bear Ridge to end and back to Robinson/East Canal/Donner to end and back/East Canal/Fisk/Sheetram/Dunnigan/East Canal/Tonawanda Creek N/Transit/Tonawanda Creek/Bear Ridge/Killian/Townline/Tonawanda Creek N/Old Falls/Sweeney/Robinson.  [Map]

Hello Fall!  Okay, not quite yet, but this morning was definitely a cool mid-50's.  Thus I wore a pair of tights this morning for the first time in months.  Looks like more of the same coming up as well so it's time to face the reality.  Anyhow, this was a pretty good ride even if I did feel tired starting out.  Nothing spectacular, just cruising along.
Heart Data
Below (153) In Zone Above (170) Total Time
02:07:03 00:18:41 00:00:00 02:25:44
Average Maximum
143 bpm 164 bpm
Personal Data
Weight Body Fat Sleep Time Sleep Quality
166.6 lbs. 11.2% 5.75 hrs Fair
(Fair)  Weather Data Niagara Falls International Airport, NY  [KIAG]  (7:00 am)   [WID: 79349]
Temperature Wind Chill Wind Conditions
59°F (15°C) 58°F (14°C) SW 6.9 mph Fair
Dew Point Humidity Visibility Barometer
55°F (13°C) 87% 10.00 miles 1018.3 mb
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