Cycling Ride

Wednesday October 05, 2011   (Indoors - Fluid Trainer)
Bike: Centurion Ironman Expert (1987)
Time Distance Avg
00:33:21 10.91 mi 19.63 mph 28.20 mph
Nutrition: 0oz. of water! Forgot my bottle, toughed it out.
Note: 3 x 5 minute standing progressions with 5 minute rests.

Going to a concert tonight so getting up at 4am probably wouldn't be advised.  Thus I opted to ride indoors instead of doing nothing.
Heart Data
Below (153) In Zone Above (170) Total Time
00:14:03 00:12:54 00:07:54 00:34:51
Personal Data
Weight Body Fat Sleep Time Sleep Quality
161.8 lbs. 10.8% 8.25 hrs Good
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