Cycling Ride

Wednesday December 17, 2008   (Indoors - Fluid Trainer)
Bike: Centurion Ironman Expert (1987)
Time Distance Avg
01:00:36 18.45 mi 18.27 mph 26.60 mph
Nutrition: 20oz. of water.
Note: 6 x 5 minute standing progressions.

An acceptable effort considering I wasn't going to ride today.  I had a stomachache last night and was up late so I was planning on blowing it off.  But the dog was barking about 5am to go out.  I went back to bed, but knew I wasn't going back to sleep so I figured I might as well give it a shot today.
Heart Data
Below (153) In Zone Above (170) Total Time
00:29:13 00:31:05 00:01:24 01:01:42
Personal Data
Weight Body Fat Sleep Time Sleep Quality
99.9 lbs. 8.0% 5.00 hrs Good
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