Cycling Ride

Tuesday August 19, 2003   (Outdoors)
Bike: Trek 2120 (1995)
Time Distance Avg
01:16:48 24.62 mi 19.23 mph 23.00 mph
Note: Townline/Killian/Bear Ridge/Feigle/East Canal/Tonawanda Creek.  Okay ride, a little tired even though I've had a three day layoff.  Once again due to more short sleep nights.
Heart Data
Below (153) In Zone Above (170) Total Time
00:13:50 00:57:51 00:05:37 01:17:18
(Fair)  Weather Data North Tonawanda, NY  (6:00 am)   [WID: 11036]
Temperature Conditions Wind Dew Point
58°F (14°C) Fair S 3.0 mph 55°F (13°C)
Humidity Visibility Barometer UV Index
90% 30.17 inches and rising 0 Minimal
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