Cycling Ride

Wednesday September 26, 2012   (Indoors - Fluid Trainer)
Bike: Centurion Ironman Expert (1987)
Time Distance Avg
01:35:22 28.71 mi 18.06 mph 29.90 mph
Nutrition: 34oz. of water, 24oz. of Accelerade.
Note: 9 x 5 minute standing progressions with 3 minute rests.

I was so looking forward to riding this morning as it was 20° warmer than a couple of days ago when I rode last.  So major disappointment when I flipped the back light on to see that it was unexpectedly raining!  Not to be detoured, it was off to the attic for a long indoor session.
Heart Data
Below (153) In Zone Above (170) Total Time
00:39:46 00:54:27 00:03:06 01:37:19
Personal Data
Weight Body Fat Sleep Time Sleep Quality
151.8 lbs. 8.1% 6.25 hrs Good
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