Cycling Ride

Thursday June 16, 2011   (Outdoors)
Bike: Trek 2120 (1995)
Time Distance Avg
02:30:18 45.54 mi 18.18 mph 42.50 mph
Vertical Climbing
75 rpm 120 rpm 361 ft  
Nutrition: 24oz. of water, 24oz. of Accelerade.
Note: Robinson/Old Falls/Tonawanda Creek N/Townline/Beach Ridge/Aiken/Meahl/Saunders Settlement/Subbera/Upper Mountain/Blackman/Thrall/Green/Ridge/Irish/Chestnut/North/Nelson/Maple/Chestnut and then backtracking to Townline/Killian/Bear Ridge/Tonawanda Creek N/Old Falls/Sweeney/Robinson.  [Map]

Feeling a little flat today, but still rode well for better than the first half.  And although it was mostly calm, there was a very strong slope wind coming down the escarpment.  This made heading back down Green Rd. pretty tough.  Which of course then results in the climb back up the escarpment being even tougher.  I scrubbed a lot of speed off my average because of that.  I was trudging for quite a while, but started to feel better after a bit.  Overall a very nice day for a longer ride and worth the suffering.
Heart Data
Below (153) In Zone Above (170) Total Time
00:53:30 01:39:06 00:00:00 02:32:36
Average Maximum
153 bpm 169 bpm
Personal Data
Weight Body Fat Sleep Time Sleep Quality
168.8 lbs. 12.3% 6.25 hrs Fair
(Fair)  Weather Data Niagara Falls International Airport, NY  [KIAG]  (7:00 am)   [WID: 77551]
Temperature Conditions Wind Dew Point
58°F (14°C) Fair Calm 53°F (12°C)
Humidity Visibility Barometer
84% 10.00 miles 1010.2 mb
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