Cycling Ride

Tuesday January 25, 2011   (Indoors - Fluid Trainer)
Bike: Centurion Ironman Expert (1987)
Time Distance Avg
00:35:31 10.67 mi 18.03 mph 29.50 mph
Nutrition: 20oz. of water.
Note: 3 x 5 minute standing progressions.

This workout felt like I was doing better that what the HRM data seems to indicate.  If I had to guess I would have said the below and in-zone times were reverse.  In any case, at least I'm developing a bit of consistency in working out regularly.
Heart Data
Below (153) In Zone Above (170) Total Time
00:24:36 00:09:16 00:03:03 00:36:55
Personal Data
Weight Body Fat Sleep Time Sleep Quality
167.0 lbs. 12.1% 8.00 hrs Fair
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