Cycling Ride

Monday March 10, 2008   (Indoors - Fluid Trainer)
Bike: Schwinn LeTour (1986)
Time Distance Avg
00:45:16 13.00 mi 17.23 mph 23.10 mph
Nutrition: 20oz. of water.
Note: 4 x 5 minute standing progressions.

Not a real good effort.  Still lagging from the change to DST this weekend.  I needed to take Friday off, but then 22 inches of snow over the weekend ate what time would have been riding time.
Heart Data
Below (153) In Zone Above (170) Total Time
00:23:39 00:23:03 00:00:28 00:47:10
Personal Data
Weight Body Fat Sleep Time Sleep Quality
99.9 lbs. 7.5% 6.50 hrs Good
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