Cycling Ride

Tuesday June 15, 2004   (Outdoors)
Bike: Trek 2120 (1995)
Time Distance Avg
01:17:17 24.69 mi 19.17 mph 24.30 mph
Note: Townline/Killian/Bear Ridge/Feigle/East Canal/Tonawanda Creek.  Another nice morning if not a bit breezy starting out.  Still recovering from injuring my lower back 2 days ago.  Felt good and didn't have any problems while on the bike.
Heart Data
Below (153) In Zone Above (170) Total Time
00:56:48 00:18:34 00:02:56 01:18:18
Personal Data
Weight Body Fat Sleep Time Sleep Quality
99.9 lbs. 7.6%    
(Fog/Mist)  Weather Data North Tonawanda, NY  (6:00 am)   [WID: 17954]
Temperature Conditions Wind Dew Point
62°F (17°C) Fog/Mist S 10.0 mph 61°F (16°C)
Humidity Visibility Barometer
96% 2.50 miles 29.94
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