Archive of June 2005

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Super Stupid

Another one that comes to me via Rob

Meet a foolish young Thai man and his bottle of super glue.
June 23, 2005 @ 01:49 pm | Category:

A year of BOINC

Tomorrow marks my first anniversary since starting with the BOINC project.  And just yesterday was my 6th year of churning numbers for SETI.  Since the switch to BOINC, in addition to SETI I now also crunch numbers for  Since I started doing that, I now split my time as 60/40 between them respectively.  It seemed like a reasonable split as I really do want to support both.
June 23, 2005 @ 01:28 pm | Category:
Saturday, June 18, 2005

Missing Adrian

Things have been very, very busy for me at work the past several weeks, but this past Tuesday I had a few minutes and needed a distraction.  So I bopped on over to the website of one of my favorite musicians, Adrian Belew.  I was mentally spent and sunk futher down when I got there and learned that Adrian was going to be at the TRALF on Friday (6/17), last night.  I'm guessing I could have gotten tickets, but with the way things have been at work and my general lack of disposable income these days, I knew it wasn't going to happen.  And it didn't, as I was at work until a little after 7pm last night.  Very sad.

Adrian doesn't tour solo very often and it's generally only to select locations.  Thus that fact that he seems to come here when he does is truly amazing.  I was fortunate enough to see him at the TRALF back in 1999 with my wife —then girlfriend, a friend and his date.  Truly and amazing experience.  After a nearly 2 hour show, Adrian did as he always does and came out for a "meet and greet" with his fans.  I had to wait a while, but how many musicians do this?  Not many my friend.  I got the chance to talk to him for a few minutes and had him autograph the Coming Attractions CD I had recenly purchased.  I know, geeky, but a memorable experience.  Just wish I would have would have know he was coming back and could have planned ahead for it.
June 18, 2005 @ 09:25 am | Category:
Thursday, June 16, 2005

Win Lottery = New Bike

So what's your one indulgence for yourself after winning $220 million in the lottery?  Why buy a new bike, what else?  I only wish I had such a windfall to allow such indulgences.  ;)
June 16, 2005 @ 01:23 pm | Category:
Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Nightlife In Cairo

Nightlife In Cairo

What do you say, we'll hop on a plane
Take me to Cairo tonight
We'll go to a store, buy some supplies
Get on a camel, go through the desert
Going to Cairo tonight, tonight, tonight…

We'll blaze in the sand
To far away lands
Living in pyramids, beneath the sands

We can make lots of friends
Out of everyone
Check out the scenes
Of Nightlife in Cairo!

Look at the sheik
He thinks he's real neat
Give him surprise
He's shit out of time
In the night, Cairo does scream

Give me some life
Roll in the sand
Nightlife in Cairo, living a dream
Nightlife in Cairo, It's a scream

June 15, 2005 @ 12:48 pm | Category:
Saturday, June 11, 2005

PolarBlog posting via email

Okay, I've decided to start looking into Alan's request for the ability to post to PolarBlog via email.  This will probably take a bit of time as I still intend to continue with PolarLava CycleLog V2.2.0 (I'iwi) at the same time.  But I've often been intrigued by doing email posting even before Alan started desiring it.  Thus I've spent some time this morning exploring some options on accessing a POP3 account via PHP this morning.  Not sure whether I will be going that route or doing this with Perl.  Still need to think through the logistics  of it all.  I figured adding this feature will sort of ease me back into PolarBlog development.  Being a new/separate component it shouldn't muck up current code base which is always a good thing.  :)
June 11, 2005 @ 08:39 am | Category:

More Polar Lava

Further proving the point that I'm not the only polar lava in the universe.  During a recent flyby of Titan by the Cassini space probe, scientist appear to have found a methane volcano (cryovolcano) on the surface.  See, I'm not the only one spewing out cold methane! ;)  
June 11, 2005 @ 08:23 am | Category:
Saturday, June 04, 2005

PolarLava CycleLog V2.2.0 (I’iwi)

Well, my intent after releasing MyClient 3.0.0 was to go back to work on PolarBlog.  And although it is my intent to get back to it, I've decided to do some additional enhancements on my CycleLog project first.  I haven't had any urgent requests for changes to PolarBlog other than my own desires, so this appears that it won't be having a tremendous impact on the PolarBlog user community.  (Feel free to comment otherwise.)  A rough guess at this point, with the summer arriving and my increased work commitments says that PolarBlog development will likely not resume before September.  So with that said and in no particular order, here's a brain dump of things I'd like to do to PolarLava CycleLog V2.2.0 (I'iwi).
  • Minor Name Change - Henceforth instead of just calling it "CycleLog", it will be known as "PolarLava CycleLog".  This is in anticipation that I may publically release this project, although it's unlikely to get packaged and documented during this upgrade cycle.  Even so, it's still available for the asking if you cycle and have the ability to hack PHP.
  • Search Improvements - I have an immediate need to add the ability to seach for rides within a specific mileage range.  I also intend to add the ability to do ad hoc searches of my ride notes.  It probably won't happen in this release, but I'd also like to be able to search based on a bounded temperature range similar to my mileage search requirement.  Doing this is a little more involved because of the underlying table structure.
  • Sleep Time - The addition of an "hours of sleep" field to the ride Personal Data section.
  • Yearly Summary Page - Similar to the home page "Year-To-Date" display, I'd like to create a page that displays this same information, but on a year by year basis.
  • Security Upgrades - Currently there a a few potential security issues I need to clean up.  Nothing catastrophic, just some concerns I have with the way certain things were coded previously.  Call it a learning process.
  • Bike Page - All of the ride data that is displayed is associated with different bikes.  I'd like to add a page to display information about each bike along with a picture.
  • Records Page - This new page will list some extremes: longest ride distance, longest/shortest ride by time, fastest average speed ride, maximum speed, extremes of weather, etc.  This one is sort of rolling around in my head so I don't know exactly what all will be contained in this page.
  • Summary Update - The existing summary data has pretty much what I want in it I believe, but I'd like to make some of the elements clickable to the rides they relate too.
  • Bike Maintenance - In addition to the Bike Page, I'd like to add a maintenance record component for each bike.  I would guess this has less than a 20% chance of being implemented in this release as it is a fairly significant undertaking.  Most likely to slide to V2.3.0
  • Miscellaneous Bug Fixes - As always there a handful of small bugs that I also need to fix!.
  • Calendar View - I forgot this one the other day…I'm looking into adding a weekly and monthly calendar view that will show basic ride info for the days that I've ridden as well as some sort of weekly and monthly totals.  This component would also the ability to view other weeks/months besides the current one.
June 4, 2005 @ 05:52 pm | Category:
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