Hitching The Wrong Horse

So back in November I announced EOL: PolarBlog and my plans to migrate my blog to Chyrp.  I don't have a lot of time available for playing around online these days, thus why it's been over 6-months and I still haven't moved.  I had made progress, contributed a few module fixes back to the project and only had a minor data transfer issue to resolve.  We're on the homestretch.

Well, that was until a few weeks back when I found that Chyrp is dead.  It's going away for similar reasons to Polarblog.  Not enough time and nobody else dedicated to enough to take up the project.  Thus I now find that I hitched my horse to the wrong wagon.  I'm less than thrilled by this, but I get it.  I chose the long shot for a reason and unfortunately instead of winning, it's headed to the glue factory!

So needless to say, I'm back to exploring my options.  I'm considering Wordpress after all, Drupal, Text Pattern and likely some others.  Thus I'm probably going to keep blogging on my platform for the foreseeable future as I need to make a new choice and then figure out the migration automation.  Live and learn I guess.
June 13, 2010 @ 01:44 pm | Category:
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