Weather V1.0.3

About a month ago NOAA's National Weather Service made some changes to their XML data feed.  In return, this broke my weather retrieval system.  The primary change they made was to no longer include empty elements in the feed.  Thus my error check routine in the weather class —which worked by counting elements in the feed, stopped working because there was no longer a set number of elements in the feed.  I fixed this —at least temporarily, by disabling this element counting in the error checking.  I'll need to do some further analysis to see what sort of error checking I might be able to do in the future, but for now this should suffice as the feed is extremely reliable.

Additionally there are a couple of minor bug fixes and some clean up.  I need to regenerate new API documentation yet, but other than the source view it should be functionally correct as it currently is.

So if this is something that might of interest to you or if you've been using it previously, jump to the PolarLava Weather project page where you can download it.
July 4, 2009 @ 09:25 am | Category:
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